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They say it takes an army. The same goes for dogs. We believe in interacting with adults, kids, other dogs, and animals is SO important for familiarity in dogs. The more distractions and new things they are introduced to as puppies, the better they will be at real life situations at home with you! Your dog will have so much fun playing on our 5 acre lot with horses, cats, chickens, kiddos, and of course, adults!


Because we aren’t a big kennel, we can keep our dog count low and specialized for each dog. Really working with each individual dog to ensure it gets the best training possible. This also means you get to visit your fur babies anytime you want. We encourage visits so you can see just how amazing your dog is doing, and learn some of the commands we are teaching them as well, so that you can use them in your home after they leave us.


Did we mention all our friends? We want this space to be as welcoming and inviting as possible. Between visitors, kids, and training sessions your dogs will be so social, friendly, but still listening to your commands.

We're Excited to Meet You!


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